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Showing posts from December, 2018
172) Superior Savings, not to be confused with another Cleveland institution, Superior Trust, was known as "The Lithuanian Bank" served Cleveland's Lithuanian community. Not much history of the bank is available though there was a curious incident when the building was torn down by the City of Cleveland without the banks knowledge: Even when this happened and weather it was the end of the bank is unknown.
171)  "THE CONTINENTAL BANK  The Bank That Says "Thank You" member FDIC  The bank that gives an EXTRA measure of SERVICE" The Encyclopedia of Cleveland mentions Continental Bank was "founded by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen in 1926, had specialized in loans to small businessmen" It's Cleveland offices were taken over by Euclid National Bank in 1976.  
            "Advertising Typographers  BOHME & BLINKMANN INC. Telephone Main 5388" An unusual ruler is the next entry. Bohme & Blinkmann sold typeface by way of catalogs like the 1923 edition linked below. A help wanted add from them was placed in a paper in the late 1960's. No other information has come to light on the firm. The phone number "Main 5388" indicates an early date.  Typographic-Art-/382651550537